
73rd CIRP General Assembly in Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-24 August 2024

Information and Registration on the local Organizing Committee's Website:

Guest policy

For the General Assembly, all Members  (including Corporate Members)  can invite one guest from any country, even if they do not attend the GA.

If you wish to invite a guest, the "Request Form for a Guest" is available for Members in their Dashboard through "Download Documents from CIRP Office" in the "Admin Office" module.

In the same spirit as for the Winter Meetings, STC Chairs can invite an exceptional guest out of the CIRP network to make a presentation in their STC, but the guest can only attend that specific meeting, and this must be agreed with the CIRP Office and with the local Organizing Committee. Otherwise, STC Chairs can invite some exceptional guests for a presentation in their meeting, but the guests must register to the GA - consequently they are allowed to participate in other meetings, like usual guests.

Guests cannot register online without being first invited and approved by the CIRP Office in Paris.


  • General Assembly Programme Part I  - Papers Sessions - 19 to 21 August 2024
  • General Assembly Programme Part II  -  STCs and CWGs Meetings - 22 to 24 August 2024

Sessions in Part I

Be careful, the screen format for your presentations will be 16:9 - please go to the slide check area in the venue to give your presentation in advance to the central computer that will collect all the presentations.

Order CIRP Annals on our publisher's website.

Meetings in Part II

Agendas of the STCs and CWGs meetings will be available online for Members and RAs