The main publications of CIRP are the CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology and the CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. The CIRP annals are published under ISI standards each year in two volumes; Volume I, with refereed papers presented during the General Assembly by Fellows, Associate and Corporate members, as well as Volume II with refereed keynote papers. The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology is published each year in four volumes.
CIRP also publishes the trilingual Dictionaries of Production Engineering and the Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.
Currently the CIRP Annals and the Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology are published by Elsevier, while Springer Verlag publishes the Dictionaries of Production Engineering and the Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.
CIRP also publishes the trilingual Dictionaries of Production Engineering and the Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.
Currently the CIRP Annals and the Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology are published by Elsevier, while Springer Verlag publishes the Dictionaries of Production Engineering and the Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.
Besides these main publications, a Newsletter is published twice a year and available on the CIRP website.
Finally, Proceedings of CIRP Conferences are available online on Procedia-CIRP website.