Many of the world's leading companies and non-university based research institutions, as well as many other small and medium size enterprises are already affiliated to CIRP as Corporate members. At present their number is 170 from 30 countries.
Although their business interests might at first sight seem quite diverse, ranging from aircraft to tractors and from computers to machine tools, it is not difficult to work out why these organizations joined CIRP.
Ever since its inception in 1951, CIRP has held a truly unique position at the forefront of production engineering research. Many of today's manufacturing successes have their origins in research carried out by CIRP members. Put quite simply, CIRP Corporate membership gives companies and research institutes access to an unequalled wealth of information and expertise.
Attendance at the CIRP General Assembly and CIRP Winter Meetings
Corporate members are strongly encouraged to send representatives to attend the events at the CIRP General Assembly. This is a closed gathering which is only opened to CIRP members, Corporate members and invited guests. It is customary to hold this event in a different country each year. All attendees are asked to pay a nominal fee to offset the costs of holding the conference. In the first part of the Assembly (Original Research Paper sessions) as many as 120 to 140 authors from leading research institutes all over the world present papers dealing with the different aspects of the production engineering . In the second part working meetings are held within the various STCs to discuss the cooperative projects run by CIRP and other technical matters.
An "active" attendance of the Corporate members at these events is welcome: under the sponsorship of a Fellow, they are allowed to present papers during the research paper sessions; under the agreement of the Chairman they may present technical reports in the STC meetings, they may use the Poster session to present their research reports (non commercial). These possibilities represent an effective way to focus the attention of CIRP members on specific industrial problems as well as on new research topics.
During the August General Assembly and the Winter Meetings, a special meeting (CMAG - Corporate Members Advisory Group meeting) followed by a lunch (in August) is reserved to the Corporate members where friendly talks with the CIRP officers and STC chairmen encourages a fruitful exchange of opinions and experiences. Corporate Members can also present Industrial Technical Papers (ITP) during the CMAG in August, that will be published on the CIRP Website afterwards.
Corporate members, particularly new incomers, will be coached by the STC Vice-Chairman of their primary STC of interest.
Meeting the experts
Attendance at the General Assembly presents an ideal opportunity to meet the world's foremost experts in an informal setting. In this way, Corporate members can gauge reactions to new ideas, seek detailed advice and also gain valuable help in identifying additional sources of information and cooperation. This approach is recognized by many as being one of the most effective ways of solving difficult manufacturing problems. Being able to meet the world's leading experts allows an organization to gain first hand knowledge of what is happening in a particular field of technology, and perhaps more importantly, what is likely to happen in future years.
To complement the work of the General Assembly, STC and working groups meetings are organized again during the Winter Meetings in Paris: the Corporate members are regularly invited to attend in order to maintain their contacts with the CIRP members.
CIRP also organizes regular Conferences to cater for specialist needs.
Information retrieval
As many other international organizations CIRP has a complete Website on Internet where many important information can be easily found: history and organization of CIRP, list of members, detailed information about the Scientific Sessions and their fields of interests (Agendas and Minutes from all the meetings), Internal Documents and Reports from General Assemblies, complete list of titles and authors of papers published in the Annals . The Corporate members have access to this Internet site which can also provide links to their own home pages. They also have an online access to all the papers and keynote papers published in the CIRP Annals from 1960 to nowadays.
Becoming a CIRP Corporate Member
Manufacturing companies or non-university based research institutions can apply for Corporate membership.
These organizations are characterized by supporting the aims of CIRP and maintaining an interest in CIRP’s activities while also giving scientific and technical contributions to the academy. They typically are involved in research and development of relevance to the manufacturing community broadly.
Trade organizations, associations of different companies, and university-based research centers do not belong to the category of Corporate membership. “University-based research centers” are research centers that are organizationally embedded in a university.
Corporate members pay a yearly fee which helps to defer the administrative costs of the CIRP Office.
Duration: there is no limit in duration for Corporate membership. Membership is automatically renewed each year, and Corporate Members who wish to resign should inform the CIRP Office before the end of the current year for the following year.
For further information please contact us through our email in the application form.
CIRP Corporate video to download (60 Mo)
Presentation of CIRP on our website
General Presentation of CIRP: Pdf File
Application: Application Form for Corporate Membership, to be sent by email to CIRP Office with a motivated letter.
CIRP Flyer for Corporate members: Flyer
CIRP Internal Regulations, Article 9: Corporate Members